Our Sponsors & Supporters

These organizations and individuals are leading the way in supporting & sponsoring our activities around creating transparent and sustainable digital infrastructure. They do not influence our roadmap and decision-making, however, they provide the resources to move the roadmap forward.

Our Supporters

Our Supporters comprise forward-thinking companies that recognize the importance of sustainable digital infrastructure for the future of our planet. By contributing resources, expertise, and engagement, they contribute significantly to our research endeavors and community-building efforts. Their support amplifies our voice, extending the reach and impact of our work.

Our Partners

Together with our partners, we shape the dialogue for sustainable digital infrastructure.

Research Partners

With our research partners we advance the technologies required to realize our roadmap toward sustainable digital infrastructure.

Media & Event Partners

With our media and event partners, we promote our community, advocate for a sustainable digital economy, network with a broad range of stakeholders to facilitate the transition to sustainable digital infrastructure.